

Boost your sales, support, and marketing on WhatsApp with AI

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From $79/mo

About Popcorn:

As an AI assistant designed specifically to integrate with the WhatsApp platform, Popcorn facilitates enhanced engagement for businesses in terms of sales, support, and marketing.. Its suite of features is aimed towards effortless scalability on WhatsApp, specifically designed to cater to a wide range of businesses. Popcorn’s platform is a no-code AI platform, designed to ease and empower operations across various sectors including real estate, e-commerce, and healthcare.. The AI assistant has customizable functionalities, capable of providing personalized interactions that align with unique business needs. Context-aware intelligence enables informed decision-making and ensures the growth of businesses in tandem with the AI capabilities.. It also supports seamless integration with various business tools and apps, convening a unified and efficient workflow. Collaborative elements are introduced via smart handover features which blend AI efficiency with human touch.. In addition, Popcorn’s platform includes robust analytics, providing data-driven insights to improve business operations. Scalability is considered, with this solution able to adapt and grow with expanded business capabilities, indicating Popcorn’s commitment to meeting evolving demands..